

Ancient Spiritual Wisdom and Science Unite in Mary Magdalene’s Powerful Historical Tale . . .

Have you ever wondered about the inspiring and resilient women who were left
out of history and holy books?

  • Re-experience history from a pivotal woman’s perspective, one who has long been misunderstood and poorly misrepresented for millennia.
  • Discover Mary Magdalene’s critical role alongside Yeshua (Jesus) and how archaic storylines dictated our belief systems about religion and history.
  • Understand why the patriarchal agenda kept women’s voices out of historical headlines.
  • Explore how new scientific findings point to secrets spiritual teachers, sages and masters have known for eons.

And most importantly, discover how to step into your soul’s
calling and live from your heart without dogma,
fear and other people’s agendas weighing you down.

In addition to challenging history’s antiquated narrative, this riveting book tackles . . .

  • How the teachings millennia ago bridge modern times.

  • The multidimensional aspects of the soul.

  • How to move beyond your comfort zone and into your true purpose.

  • Choosing love over fear and watching your dreams unfold.

  • Why re-balancing the masculine & feminine within is a pathway to love.

Step 1:
ORDER Magdalene’s Journey

Step 2:
Fill out the form below to receive $50 of Free Bonus Gifts

  1. Magdalene’s Journey Workbook
  2. Connect to Your Breath (meditation)
  3. Balance the Divine Feminine & Masculine (meditation)
  4. Aligning with Your Higher Self (meditation)

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Once you purchase a copy of the book, simply fill out the above form, insert your Amazon order number and receive $100 worth of free gifts. Learn more about what you’ll receive below.

Your FREE Bonus Gifts include:

1. Magdalene’s Journey Workbook

In this workbook, you’ll be guided through some of the core themes discussed in Magdalene’s Journey. In the book, readers are introduced to a very different account than the patriarchal storyline that has been dictated to humanity for far too long, aiming to serve as a significant upgrade to an outdated and distorted paradigm.

Along the way, the teachings draw fascinating parallels to the advancements being made in quantum physics and science as well as to ancient wisdom from the sages, mages and spiritual masters across millennia.

Discussions include Belief Systems and Reality vs Ilusion or as the Hindu tradition calls it, māyā. The characters also tackle the multidimensional nature of the soul, non-duality, the importance of masculine and feminine rebalancing and unity consciousness.

2. How to Connect to Your Breath (video)

In this video, we’ll help you connect to your breath and understand why it’s vital for bringing inner peace, joy, health and well-being into your life. When we connect to our breath, we connect to ourselves, our Authentic Selves.

Something wakes up in us and there’s more clarity
about our life’s path than we’ve ever experienced before.

Integrating a regular breath practice allows us to feel renewed, ignited and embraced by our own beauty, our own love. We learn that we don’t need to seek outside ourselves for happiness, serenity and love. You see, the quality of our breath IS the quality of our life.

Calm the mind, get into a theta brain wave state and connect to your breath with us.

3. Expanded States of Awareness (meditation)

In this guided meditation, we’ll bring you into an expanded state of awareness. When we stay in the present moment, we become so much more aware of everything around us, including energy, for we are energy.

When we’re rushing around in our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. We forget what’s real and we even forget our priorities. Ever yell at someone you love for what appears to be a silly reason to them, or with some reflection time, also to you?

When we slow things down, we become aware of every little thing around us as energy . . . energy connected to us. We become aware of the interconnectedness of all living things. From that place, true solitude and tranquility have the space to emerge.

In those expanded states of awareness, we realize the oneness of all of it and over time, we become it. Literally. In other words, we begin to show up every day in an altered state of consciousness, and the triggers that once affected us no longer do. It’s a practice that works, so why not give it a try with us? Make the intention and then surrender.

4. Becoming Your Higher Self (meditation)

Join us for this guided meditation on Becoming  Your Higher Self. What do we mean by Higher Self? Miriam of Magdala (Magdalene) talks to the main characters in the book about the Higher Self often as a way of explaining the Soul Self. When the soul’s journey is ignited, we can never look back, for we are forever changed. Not only do we stop sweating the small stuff, but we understand why we are here and what is ours to do.

People are always searching for their purpose even when they already live it. Perhaps they need a new one? Something greater than what they’re already doing, even if their contribution is already substantial.

We tend to second guess our decisions because we don’t trust our gut . . . our intuition or as we like to call it, the intuitive seat in the journey of life where our heart leads the way.

When we let others paint our canvas of life, we lose ourselves—our Higher Selves. If busy schedules dictate our days, we cannot integrate the balance we need to maintain a healthy and happy life. Quiet time just for us. Quiet time to hear our soul speak. Quiet time to receive the clarity we need.

What Others Say . . .

Ervin László, Ph.D.,

Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Systems Scientist, Integral Theorist and author of The Intelligent Cosmos and The Great UpShift

“Independently and regardless of whether historical fact or imaginative fiction,this narrative calls up from the depth of our shared consciousness the ideas, the people, and the events that have shaped the adventure of humanity on this planet. Read with an open mind, it conveys the sense of awe and significance that envelops the ultimate meaning of our existence.”

Jean Houston, Ph.D.,
Renowned Scholar, Philosopher, Futurist and award-winning author of The Possible Human, A Mythic Life and The Hero and the Goddess.

“This book is a revelation of a new order of science and inspiration. The authors bring together state-of-the-art explorations by weaving together science, spirituality, imagination & transformation. Present and future considerations of spiritual power are brought to a new perspective that illumines realms of consciousness and our relationship to personal & cosmic archetypes. Reading this remarkable book opens up the depth of your awareness and consciousness that the reader never knew she had.”

Jude Currivan, Ph.D.,

Cosmologist, Co-Founder of WholeWorld-View and author of The Cosmic Hologram and The Story of Gaia

“The intimate courage and heart openness shared in Magdalene’s Journey is a precious wayshower for these pivotal times of re-membering who we really are. The book guides us across the threshold of a limited perception of reality to a more expansive and richer exploration of its deeper nature. The essence of its fundamental message that we are microcosmic co-creators of a unitive and multidimensional Cosmos, invites us to awaken to our universal heritage and empowers our emergent potential to become co-evolutionary partners with our Gaian home and with the vast communities of a living Universe.”

Shamini Jain, Ph.D., 
Psychologist, Scientist, Social Entrepreneur, founder of CHI and best-selling author of Healing Ourselves

“What do we know about the divine feminine and masculine, and how do we access the spiritual wisdom that lies within us? In this exhilarating, provocative book, the authors move beyond historical rhetoric, and through sacred storytelling invite us on an inward journey, so that we may discover how we can embody the divine masculine and feminine in our world and in our daily lives.”
—Natalie Petouhoff, Ph.D., 
Vice President, Fortune 500 Company and Wall Street Journal best-selling co-author of Empathy in Action

“In a world where people are searching for meaning, this book comes at just the right time to help us make sense of the world we think we know, opening our minds to possibilities and realities so delicious that we feel transported and freed from the normal confines of everydayness.”
Amit Goswami, Ph.D., 
Quantum Physicist, author of  The Self-Aware Universe and Physics of the Soul

“There are few inspirational books around and even fewer that give inspirational messages using quantum physics. This is truly one of those rare exceptions. Magdalene’s Journey is reader-friendly. Read and enjoy!”
Sandra Ingerman, MA.,
World-renowned Shamanic Teacher and author of Shamanic Journeying and Soul Retrieval

“In Renée and Anthony’s narrative, the two main characters of the book receive a series of amazing and loving visitations, which bring through powerful teachings about how unity consciousness, oneness, and love have the power to heal ourselves, others, and the planet. Magdalene’s Journey helps us evolve out of outdated paradigms that no longer serve us. Their story weaves modern science into ancient esoteric wisdom so we can all expand and embrace new stories that have the power to heal humanity.”
Joseph Selbie,
Author of The Physics of Miraculous Healing and The Physics of God

Magdalene’s Journey is an inspiring and important retelling of the life of Mary Magdalene. Long erroneously thought to be a woman lifted from a sordid life, we see Miriam as a person of powerful spiritual realization who shared the mission of Jesus, who should be appreciated as an expression of the Divine feminine and a teacher in her own right. The authors skillfully weave history, narrative, science, and transcendent spiritual teachings into one uplifting experience.”
MeiMei Fox,
New York Times
best-selling co-author of Bend Not Break

“Although the setting of this visionary tale stems from over two thousand years ago, the book goes beyond depicting a renowned woman’s untold life. It shares both stories and teachings from yesteryear in a way that seeks to unify humanity regardless of belief system. At the crossroads of science and consciousness, we discover how little decisions can make a significant impact on those around us, healing ourselves and others in the process. This book may very well shift the way you perceive humanity’s relationship to all living things and our role on the planet.”
Mark Anthony,
JD Psychic Lawyer, best-selling author of The Afterlife Frequency, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go

“This very unique chronicle paints a more holistic view of history than the patriarchal one we’ve been wired to believe. Along the way, riveting characters from yesteryear bring forth spiritual wisdom that parallels what modern science is revealing today. Time and time again, we are brought into expanded states of awareness and consciousness, which give us pause to reflect and hear a deeper truth, one that at a soul level, we might already inherently know.”
Cyndi Dale,
International Teacher, Speaker and author of The Subtle Body series

“Across the world, one of the greatest religious mysteries involves the nature of the ‘real’ relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Dogma seldom equals truth, only a support for a specific hierarchy. Magdalene’s Journey breaks us free from the shadows of patriarchy to present a delightful, intelligent, and deep storyline that tugs at the imagination and whispers, “There is truth in this tale.” Quantum science serves as the bridge to explain the couples’ bond but also the way that yesterday’s knowledge can impact today’s culture. Perhaps—hopefully—it is time to restore the balance between the feminine and the masculine and transform this world into the realm of light it is meant to be.”
Mark Gober,
International Speaker, IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) board member and author of An End to Upside Down Thinking

“A fascinating, entertaining, and well-written story! But it’s actually much more than that. The book explores deep concepts about the nature of reality and poses mind-boggling questions about the hidden mechanics of our world. Additionally, it introduces thought-provoking historical narratives that challenge traditional beliefs. Don’t be surprised if your imagination runs wild while reading this book—and don’t be surprised if those imaginative ideas continue to percolate long after you finish reading.”
Gabriele Hilberg, Ph.D., MFT,
Psychotherapist (Silicon Valley) and co-author of Einstein’s Business

“This book challenges traditional thinking about Mary Magdalene’s pivotal role during the time of Jesus. Have you ever wondered what really happened between them and her contribution to that chapter in history? You are invited to sense your own gut-level recognition of the truth about the surprising events being revealed as the gripping story of Magdalene’s Journey unfolds. Not to be missed.”
David Bolinsky,
Pioneering Medical Illustrator, 3D Animator and TED Speaker

“The story of early Christianity was written by historical winners—largely male and authoritarian—too parsimonious to share the historical stage or point of view with the other half of humanity. An ephemeral guide and companion while narrating her story, Magdalene pierces the lives of an unsuspecting couple with deeply moving and wise dialogues that both clarify and animate ancient, lifeless dioramas into living communities with heart and pulse. Magdalene’s descriptions of daily life, family entanglements, and political and social complexity root the reader in a memoir. You’ll move from a comfortable perch into a fascinating and daring adventure.”
Janet Rae-Dupree,
Former columnist at New York Times, former writer at Forbes, Business Week & LA Times and author of Physiology Workbook for Dummies

Magdalene’s Journey is nothing short of astonishing. As I have evolved as a science writer, I have encountered brief glimmers of possibility around the edges of quantum science. This book weaves those possibilities into my personal spiritual journey in ways I’d never previously imagined. As an adolescent, I rebelled against a Christian Science upbringing by rejecting all organized religion. But as I began to study the sciences more deeply three decades ago, I found my mind and heart making connections and asking questions, leading me back toward Love. Magdalene’s Journey lays out a blueprint for us to study on our way to a greater understanding of who we truly are.”

About the Authors

Authors Renee Blodgett and Anthony Compagnone are the founders of Blue Soul Earth® where they focus on raising humanity’s awareness and consciousness through courses, workshops, membership programs, and retreats. Their work is designed for those interested in going inward and exploring the soul’s journey, as well as the nature of humanity and reality. The teachings combine gnostic and ancient spiritual wisdom with science.
With a foundation in heart-centered living, they ignite the human potential, helping others transform by tapping into their own innate wisdom, so people can lead with purpose and connection. Blue Soul Media was founded to assist those who want to bring consciousness and spirit to their business.

They are also the producers of the multi-season video series Blue Soul Summit® and the Blue Soul CHATS podcast, where they interview visionaries across disciplines and bring inspiring, provocative and at times, mind-bending conversations to the forefront.

Magdalene’s Journey is their first book together.
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